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There will be more than one entry for a given date to include different processes and parts worked, or just to cover breaks. This page is too detailed, IMO, but for the endlessly curious, here it is:
990726: 1 hr debur spar web (part already made when I bought project).
990728: 2 hr cut forward wing rib blanks and wing skin blanks.
990729: 7 hr make flat pattern for forward wing rib, make first forward wing rib, set up drill press for hole cutting.
990730: 3.7 hr mark and rough trim wing rib blanks. modify flat pattern. make one flight quality forward wing rib.
990731: 6.3 hr cut 25 blanks to final size, cut all 3" & 4" holes, debur all forward wing rib flats.
990731: 2 hr pound flanges onto 18 wing ribs over form blocks.
990731: 3.2 hr press 3" & 4" hole flanges onto 18 ribs.
990731: 0.5 hr trim remaining blanks to -01..-04 flats.
990801: 0.8 hr pound flanges onto remaining wing ribs.
990801: 0.3 hr press 3" & 4" hole flanges onto remaining fwd ribs.
990801: 4 hr make fwd rib gusset blanks.
990802: 1 hr debur rib gussets. Trim to size.
990803: 1 hr debur rib gussets. Trim to size.
990807: 2.5 hr cut aft wing rib blanks.
990807: 3 hr cut aft wing ribs to final size on router.
990808: 2 hr debur aft ribs & continue cutting blanks on router.
990808: 1.8 hr trim aft rib flats on router and debur.
990808: 3 hr cut 3" and 4" holes in aft rib flats. Pounded 5 ribs.
990808: 1.1 hr pound 11 more ribs.
990808: 0.7 hr press flanges into 3" and 4" holes in ribs.
990814: 1.3 hr debur & cut holes in remaining aft ribs.
990814: 5.1 hr layout details for right flap, trim skin to final size, layout rivet pattern, clamp together, drill.
990814: 1.8 hr debur right flap, rivet.
990814: 3.0 hr completed left flap. (note: flap ribs & drive plates were already done when I bought the project.)
990814: 1.0 hr setup mold for aileron weight, melted lead, poured one weight.
990815: 1.0 hr file first weight to shape, setup mold and pour second weight.
990815: 2.3 hr cut and form aileron ribs.
990815: 2.3 hr cut and finish aileron drive plates and rivet to drive ribs.
990815: 4.0 hr cut and finish aileron counterweight retaining plates and all other aileron brackets and tip ribs.
990815: 1.6 hr mark and cut one aileron skin.
990815: 2.5 hr drill aileron skin.
990821: 1.3 hr realize aileron drive plate is in wrong position on drive rib. Drill out drive plate rivets, make new drive ribs. Mount drive plates correctly on drive ribs.
990821: 2.3 hr Using pilot holes in aileron skin, drill aileron ribs. Made sub-assembly of weight support ribs, drilled weight.
990821: 2.0 hr Finish drilling aileron, debur, rivet.
990821: 0.8 hr Measure 2nd aileron skin.
990822: 0.1 hr Turn 2nd aileron skin into scrap. (Note: do not measure parts after midnight. Even when measured twice, the first cut of the morning will yield only scrap...)
990822: 4.0 hr Make elevator and rudder ribs and rudder drive plate.
990822: 5.0 hr Finish rudder (layout skin, trim skin, drill, debur, rivet).
990822: 2.7 hr Finished right elevator.
990903: 2.5 hr Drill skin of left elevator, finish left elevator.
990903: 0.5 hr Start horizontal stabilizer details (mark large angle stock).
990903: 0.5 hr Ruin blade of new bandsaw. Note which size blade is required. (1/4" blades are for making turns, not straight cuts.
990903: 1.5 hr With 3/8" blade, cut h-stab forward spar large angle stock.
990904: 0.5 hr Finish trim angle stock on router using straight cut bit with bearing end. Try to bend forward spar stock to shape. Note larger size hammer is required.
990904: 1.3 hr With larger hammer (4#), finish forward spar angle.
990904: 1.5 hr H-stab details.
990904: 1.3 hr H-stab ribs, angle brackets.
990904: 2.3 hr Cut h-stab rear spar angle stock.
990904: 4.3 hr Trim, drill, and rivet h-stab rear spar details.
990905: 0.5 hr Drill h-stab ribs (between forward and rear spars).
990905: 3.5 hr Drill, debur and rivet h-stab ribs to spars. Make tip ribs and leading edge (inboard, forward) ribs for h-stab.
990905: 1.0 hr Make lights for instrument panel. (Something completely different).
990905: 5.6 hr Layout h-stab skins, cut skins to final size, drill trailing edge, clamp trailing edges, drill through, press leading edge bend into skins, trace ribs onto skins, layout hole pattern, pilot size drill into skins, clamp skins to frame, drill holes into frame. Drilled bottom skins to final size, tops only drilled at trailing edge.
990906: 5.0 hr Mark and pilot drill h-stab top skins.
990906: 3.7 hr Debur skins and frame, rivet and finish h-stab.
990906: 2.5 hr Vertical tail details.
990907: 4.3 hr Vertical tail details.
990909: 1.1 hr Vertical tail details.
990909: 2.3 hr Clamp and drill vert-tail spars. Finish fwd spar.
990910: 1.9 hr Finish vert-tail aft spar.
990910: 1.0 hr Clamp up vert-tail frame, drill.
990911: 3.0 hr Finish vert-tail frame, layout skin.
990911: 1.0 hr Drill aft edge of skin, clamp together, drill through, cleco together, bend skin.
990912: 5.0 hr Drill vert-tail skin for attachment to frame. - 5 hr includes tracing all ribs, layout all rivet patterns, drill pilot size into skin from inside, clamp skin to frame (repeatedly) to drill ribs pilot size, cleco, then final size, debur, fit tip and leading edge ribs. I fit the tip rib after the frame is drilled, and the leading edge rib I fit last before riveting on the skin.
990912: 0.8 hr Rivet vert-tail skin to frame.
990912: 1.3 hr Layout aft fuselage details.
990913: 0.8 hr Cut aft fuse details on bandsaw. Bandsaw blade died.
990915: 4.3 hr Layout & cut aft fuselage sides and non-bandsaw details.
990916: update website.
990917: 2.7 hr Debur fuselage sides, layout, cut & debur fuselage details.
990918: 4.7 hr Fuselage details.
990928: after business trip from hell (held over through the weekend - work 9 days solid) 1.7 hr Fuselage details.
990929: 4.7 hr Fuselage details.
990930: 1.0 hr Fuselage bottom, t-deck skins - layout & cut.
990930: 4.3 hr Fuselage bottom, t-deck skins - layout & drill.
991001: 4.0 hr T-deck details. Layout, cut, drill 3" & 4" holes.
991002: 5.1 hr Hammer form & circle press t-deck details.
991002: 4.8 hr Restart bandsaw - bandsaw many fuselage details.
991002: 1.7 hr Make small assemblies - seat belt mounts, small tail doubler.
991003: 0.8 hr Fuselage details.
991003: 3.5 hr Assemblies - lower right longeron to side.
991003: 2.0 hr Assemblies - upper right longeron to side.
991003: 3.0 hr Assemblies - left side of tail cone.
991008: 1.0 hr Assemblies - left side vertical channels.
991008: 0.7 hr Assemblies - attach left & right sides together.
991009: 4.0 hr Assemblies - attach left & right sides together.
991010: 1.5 hr Attach left & right sides together.
991010: 2.3 hr Drill bottom cross-ties.
991010: 5.7 hr Drill & debur tail cone parts.
991010: 2.0 hr Drill tail cone to cockpit splice plates.
991011: 1.0 hr Drill & debur tc to cockpit splice plates.
991012: 4.3 hr Attach 2 turtledeck skins to backbone & rivet side skins to tail cone side framing.
991013: 1.2 hr Fit rear former between t-deck skin & lower tailcone structure.
991013: 1.3 hr Fit forward formers.
991013: 1.1 hr Fit #4 formers.
991013: 0.9 hr Fit #3 formers.
991020: 1.9 hr T-deck former fitting cont'd.
991020: 2.0 hr T-deck formers drilled.
991021: 1.0 hr T-deck drilling cont'd.
991021: 1.8 hr Drilling cont'd.
991023: 4.5 hr T-deck deburring.
991023: 1.0 hr Tailcone aft bay riveting.
991023: 3.8 hr Tail wheel mount fitting & drilling.
991024: 4.3 hr Tail wheel mount cont'd.
991024: 3.7 hr Riveting turtledeck (in back yard).
991024: 0.4 hr Forward fuselage (cockpit) details.
991025: 1.3 hr Forward fuselage details.
991026: 4.3 hr All .090 forward fuselage details.
991027: 4.5 hr Fwd fuse dets. (F14)
991028: 2.8 hr Fwd fuse dets. (F14)
991029: 2.7 hr Fwd fuse dets. (1.0 hr slots for canopy, F14)
991030: 3.4 hr Fwd fuse dets. (F14)
991031: 5.3 hr Fwd fuse dets. (F14)
991101: 1.9 hr Fwd fuse dets. (F14)
991102: 1.5 hr Fwd fuse dets. (F14)
991103: 0.9 hr Fwd fuse dets. (F14)
991104: 1.4 hr Fwd fuse dets. (F14)
991105: 0.9 hr Fwd fuse dets. (F14)
991106: 7.4 hr Drill left side cockpit skin to mount details.
991107: 7.7 hr Drilling left side cockpit skin.
991107: 2.3 hr Deburring left side cockpit skin & details.
991107: 1.7 hr Assembling (riveting/bolting) left cockpit side.
991108: 3.3 hr Right cockpit skin & piloting fuse dets to skin.
991109: 1.1 hr Finish piloting details to right cockpit skin.
991109: 5.0 hr Final size drill, debur, rivet, bolt right cockpit side details to skin.
991110: 3.3 hr Cockpit floor details.
991111: 1.3 hr Cockpit details.
991114: 8.7 hr Rear spar pass through structure.
991115: 3.8 hr Seat - details & assembly complete.
991116: 2.4 hr F-10 details.
991117: 4.0 hr F-10 details.
991118: 2.3 hr Cut Stainless details.
991119: 2.1 hr Formed upper firewall.
991120: 2.5 hr Firewall details.
991126: 3.3 hr "New design" phenolic fairlead parts.
991127: 4.4 hr Forward fuselage details.
991127: 3.0 hr Bushings for idler assembly.
991128: 2.0 hr Idler assembly.
991129: 5.2 hr Idler assembly.
991129: 1.0 hr Cockpit sides to tail cone. (in garage)
991130: 7.8 hr Cockpit sides to tail cone + bottom skin.
991201: 1.3 hr Cockpit sides - forward cross-beams.
991204: 6.0 hr Drill, debur, rivet fuel fill box & windshield trim to upper firewall.
991204: 3.5 hr Drill lower firewall to cockpit + drill upper fw to c.
991205: 1.9 hr Instrument panel details.
991211: 1.2 hr Setup countersink for spar box.
991211: 0.5 hr Rear spar cockpit pass-through details.
991211: 1.4 hr Spar box.
991212: 2.0 hr Rear spar pass-through section.
991212: 3.0 hr Fuselage drilling (attaching tailcone to cockpit).
991216: 2.5 hr Fuselage/cockpit drilling.
991218: 3.4 hr Fuselage/cockpit drilling.
991219: 6.8 hr Fuselage/cockpit drilling.
991220: 0.7 hr Spar box details.
991220: 1.5 hr Deburring fuselage/cockpit details.
991221: 4.5 hr Debur/Riveting fuselage sides to tail cone + riveting firewall.
991222: 2.0 hr Debur/Riveting fuselage floor to cockpit sides.
991226: 4.7 hr Debur/Riveting fuselage/cockpit.
991227: 10.3 hr Debur/Riveting fuselage/cockpit.
000109: 1.8 hr Rudder pedal phenolic blocks.
000109: 1.0 hr Tailwheel assembly.
000113: 3.5 hr Instrument panel & glare shield.
000114: 2.0 hr Instrument panel.
000114: 0.5 hr Pitot/static tube assembly.
000115: 0.5 hr Pitot/static tube assembly.
000117: 2.1 hr Fitting elevator horn to drive ribs.
000118: 3.0 hr Fitting control stick to main control "triangle".
000118: 0.5 hr Tailwheel assembly.
000119: 0.5 hr Tailwheel assembly.
000119: 2.3 hr Elevator to horizontal tail.
000120: 3.5 hr Elevator to horizontal tail, removing paint from threads of control rods to install rod ends.
000122: 4.4 hr Left aileron.
000123: 0.5 hr Left aileron - shaping counterweight.
000125: 1.5 hr Wing rib gussets.
000127: 0.5 hr Wing rib gussets.
000127: 1.3 hr Pitot/static tube assembly.
000129: 2.9 hr Pitot/static tube assembly.
000129: 0.7 hr Flap drive phenolic blocks.
000130: 0.7 hr Left aileron.
000131: 1.5 hr Left aileron.
000131: 0.5 hr Instrument panel details.
000131: 0.9 hr Aft wing ribs.
000202: 4.0 hr Finishing left aileron.
000204: 2.0 hr Aileron bellcrank assembly.
000205: 3.1 hr Aileron bellcrank assembly.
000206: 3.3 hr Spar details.
000208: 2.0 hr Spar details.
000209: 1.7 hr Aileron bellcrank assembly.
000215: 1.5 hr Spar cap extrusion - the long cuts.
000216: 1.5 hr Spar cap extrusion.
000217: 2.3 hr Spar cap extrusion - cuts finished.
000218: 5.6 hr Spar caps - finishing operations.
000219: 4.1 hr Spar caps - finishing operations.
000219: 0.1 hr Spar details.
000220: 3.1 hr Spar webs - verify dim's & drill flap rod holes.
000220: 1.5 hr Spar details.
000220: 2.9 hr Spar caps - shave flush at tie down locations.
000221: 2.7 hr Spar.
000222: Engine arrived.
000223: Unpack engine.
000224: Engine on website.
000226: 3.0 hr Right spar.
000227: 1.0 hr Engine mounts.
000228: 0.5 hr Drill right spar.
000229: 2.1 hr Rear spar details.
000302: 2.3 hr Rear spar details.
000303: 1.5 hr Rear spar assembly.
000304: 1.0 hr Rear spar assembly.
000305: 1.1 hr Rear spar assembly.
000306: 2.0 hr Pounding last 8 or so aft ribs.
000307: 0.8 hr Aft ribs.
000308: 1.0 hr Drill right spar.
000308: 1.3 hr Spar details.
000310: 2.7 hr Spar details, layout wing walk.
000311: 3.3 hr Wing walk, aft rib gussets.
000311: 1.0 hr Right spar, tip web.
000311: 1.5 hr Rear spar.
000315: First visit from tech counselors. 2 TC's & local chapter president checked out project.
000318: 2.0 hr Rework rudder, ailerons, flaps at drive plates.
000323: 1.0 hr Rework fuselage details (from around spar box).
000323: 1.5 hr Rework wing root angles (on spar box).
000324: 0.3 hr Make 2nd set of wing root rib attach angles.
000324: 0.5 hr Rework horizontal tail.
000324: 0.8 hr Layout upper aft wing skin.
000328: 1.4 hr Layout upper aft wing skin.
000328: 0.9 hr Drill upper aft wing skin.
000329: 2.8 hr Layout, cut & drill 2nd upper aft skin using first as a pattern. Layout lower aft skin.
000330: 0.5 hr Continue layout of lower aft skin.
000330: 1.0 hr Drill lower aft skin. Find that there is enough sheet for the two forward skins, but not quite enough for the 2nd lower aft skin.
000401: 2.3 hr Layout forward skin. Cut both.
000402: 0.8 hr Layout & drill forward skins.
000405: 1.2 hr Drill forward skins, cut 6th skin (a lower aft) from remaining sheet.
000406: 0.5 hr Drill 6th skin (the lower aft) using other lower aft as pattern.
000406: 0.9 hr Create splice / cover for corner of lower aft skin.
000408: Travel to SunNFun.
000409: At SunNFun.
000410: At SunNFun. See 3300-powered Sonex fly. Sounds good! Have dinner with the other Sonex builders - thanks to Great Plains for the hospitality, and to Sonex for getting us together. (Though I'm not running a GP engine, I did get my wheels, tires & brakes from them...)
000411: At SunNFun; travel home.
000413: 0.9 hr Setup Left main spar for drilling. Though right main spar drilling has not been completed, decided to work both spars in parallel to have both deburred / riveted at same time. Then wing construction would work the right and left wings in series, both spars would be out of the way.
For those who have asked about build order (particularly vs. limited storage space), I would suggest building the fuselage details, minus the skins & tail cone longerons. Then the cockpit sides (most of the work there being the supporting structural angles), spar box details, and cockpit floor details including firewall. All that can be stored pretty much flat, and is a lot of hours. Then things like control surfaces, the tail, wing ribs, and spar details are all not very large. The above represents the better part of a year's work, and could be stored (other than the wing spar parts) in a closet or under a bed. It really starts to get big with the tail cone - and even bigger with the cockpit on the tail cone. Some said they would do wings first because they are relatively flat to store - there is a LOT of work and a lot of parts that can be made before the wings.
000415: 5.8 hr Left spar - setup, drill.
000416: 2.8 hr 2nd aileron bellcrank assembly - parts already made - fitting bushings to bellcrank and to angles.
000417: 1.8 hr Spar details
000421: 6.1 hr Left spar - drilling.
000426: 1.6 hr Left spar - drilling.
000427: 1.8 hr Left spar - finished drilling.
000427: 1.0 hr Straighten aft ribs.
000428: 1.3 hr Straighten aft ribs.
000429: 1.0 hr Resume work on right spar.
000430: 0.6 hr Right spar.
000502: 1.8 hr Straighten aft ribs.
000506: 1.0 hr Straighten ribs.
000509: 1.2 hr Straighten ribs.
000510: 1.7 hr Straighten ribs.
000511: 0.5 hr Straighten ribs.
000511: 2.7 hr Drill right spar.
000512: 1.2 hr Debur right spar.
000513: 1.0 hr Spar.
000514: 1.4 hr Spar.
000514: 1.3 hr Remake W11-06 - drilled to spar upside down.
000515: 1.5 hr Drill ribs to right spar.
000516: 3.0 hr Drill ribs to right spar.
000517: 2.5 hr Drill ribs to right spar.
000518: 2.5 hr Drill ribs to right spar.
000519: 1.5 hr Drill ribs to right spar.
000519: 1.2 hr Debur spar parts.
000520: 0.7 hr Debur ribs.
000521: 1.7 hr Drill rib gussets to inner ribs.
000524: 0.6 hr Rib gussets.
000524: 3.5 hr Reassemble right spar, debur left spar.
000525: 2.0 hr Debur left sapr.
000527: 1.4 hr Trim spars at bottom inner end to clear rivets.
000528: 2.8 hr Trim spars at bottom inner end.
000528: 2.9 hr Drill spars to each other, disassemble, debur.
000603: 0.7 hr Left forward ribs drill to spar.
000604: 2.5 hr Drill ribs to LH spar.
000605: 2.1 hr Ribs to spar.
000606: 2.8 hr Ribs to spar, debur spar, bolt spars together.
000606: 1.0 hr Construct 5/32 rivet sample.
000607: x.x hr Nuvite polish arrives - try it out.
000608: x.x hr New drawings arrive.
000610: 0.9 hr D02 Canopy details.
000610: 0.9 hr Battery box, fuel gascolator mount details.
000610: 1.1 hr Battery box and hinge pieces.
000615: 3.3 hr Gear leg fairings.
000616: 1.0 hr Flap gap fairings. Canopy "trim".
000616: 1.3 hr Drill main gear leg (1 hole).
000617: 0.3 hr Brake handle.
000617: x.x hr Review new drawings for additional hardware required.
000618: 1.0 hr Rib gussets - debur, fit.
000619: 2.5 hr Debur ribs, rivet rib gussets to LH inner ribs.
000620: 0.7 hr Rivet rib gussets (rh).
000801: 1.7 hr Post-oshkosh - review new drawings. Cut remaining hinge for cowling.
000802: 3.5 hr Drill aft wing skins to RH wing.
000803: 1.3 hr Drill aft wing skins to RH wing.
Total time to 000803: 641.9 hr
(This works out to right around 53 hr/month.)
Major assemblies completed:
Horizontal tail with elevators attached
Vertical tail
Tail cone/turtledeck
Cockpit (sides & floor structure), firewall, wing spar box, seat
Tail cone & cockpit joined to form fuselage.
Glareshield/instrument panel (not installed in fuselage)
Major parts completed:
Forward wing ribs.
16 of 26 aft wing ribs.
Wing spar caps.
Wing spar webs.
Wing spar details (angle stock, etc.).
Minor assemblies completed:
Pitot/static tubes.
Tailwheel assembly.
Major items remaining (partial list with time estimated):
15 hr: Horizontal & vertical tails to fuselage.
20 hr: Canopy.
10 hr: Windshield.
6 hr: Engine mount to fuselage.
4 hr: Engine to mount.
20 hr: Engine installation (oil cooler, prop, etc.)
3 hr: Main landing gear to engine mount. (outsourced)
2 hr: Axles to landing gear. (outsourced)
4 hr: Wheel/brake assemblies to axles.
4 hr: Wheel pants.
15 hr: Fuel tank installation.
20 hr: Wing spar assemblies.
50 hr: Wings (a single word representing by far the most time).
30 hr: Wing mounted to fuselage.
30 hr: Cowling.
10 hr: Painting cowling & wheel pants. (outsourced)
20 hr: Instrument installation.
30 hr: Wiring.
10 hr: Tailwheel to fuselage.
40 hr: Control linkages - rudder cables, elevator pushrod, aileron pushrods, flap pushrods, control stick, brakes.
343 hr remaining? It takes whatever it takes.